The Federated Church of Sycamore
The Federated Church of Sycamore
This sermon series explores the biblical book, Acts of the Apostles, and the incredible transformation of Jesus’ followers from a group that had locked themselves away in fear and guilt; a people overwhelmed with shame for having betrayed and denied and deserted Jesus in his greatest hour of need; a people lacking hope, vision and passion—to a people of bold, provocative, and daring action; a people of world-altering, power-confronting, life-transforming love; a people whose passion and hope burns within them and cannot be contained--and what this Way means for us and our world today!
“Refined in the Fire: the Way of the Spirit”
scripture: Acts 2:1-21; John 15:26-27, 16:4b-7, 12-13
Copyright © 2021 by Eric J. Ogi. All rights reserved.